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LightStim delivers light energy in a similar way plants absorb light energy from the sun. Each LightStim device uses different wavelengths, or colors of light. LightStim for Acne uses blue light to destroy acne-causing bacteria, and red light to help soothe and calm the skin. This helps clear existing breakouts in order to give you visibly improved, healthy-looking skin.

Place the Light gently touching your skin and hold it in place. The Light will beep after 3 minutes.
If desired, close the eye nearest to the Light.

Move the Light to a new area.
Repeat until you've treated all desired areas. Use your Light no more than 3 minutes per area, once daily.

In FDA clinical studies, 100% of participants were shown to have significant improvement in their fine lines and wrinkles in just 8 weeks.

The blue-light therapy destroys acne-causing bacteria, while red-light therapy reduces redness.

Infared Light

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